Monday, December 8, 2008

“The Holy Kingdom” by Bruce Mutard: my response

“The Holy Kingdom”, by Bruce Mutard in 2004, is a comic strip which pushes the view of two forms of religion by two people on the same holy path, to the same city. These characters are only separated by their belief. Sir John is a Christian follower who has traveled to the Holy city of Jerusalem accompanied by an unnamed Islamic guide and also on his own pilgrimage. A pilgrimage both men share on their pathway to mental enlightenment and personal accomplishment. Best said by a website called Walking Towards God:

A Pilgrimage differs from a tour in several important ways. It is a personal invitation from God, comprised of His offer and dependent upon the pilgrim's acceptance. God's call may vary but the purpose remains consistent: It is an individual summons to know God more fully. A pilgrimage is a spiritual journey to which the pilgrim joyfully responds "yes" to God's invitation. (“What is a Pilgrimage?)

On their pilgrimage Sir John reflects on his own religion, his companies religion, the difference between them, the comparisons, and later comes to a difficult question at the end of his pilgrimage.

On the journey, Mutard confronts his character with feelings of regret, punishment, knowledge, understanding, and self enlightenment. He contemplates the ‘irony’ of the birthplace of two religions and how they fight over the land, basically going against their beliefs. He questions the will of God, his society, and its purpose of this so-called ‘Holy City.’ What is the point of him being so far from the place he comes from because he supposedly needs to help recapture birth place of his religion from the so called heathens. Which he later comes to realize that the so called heathens share the values he has just from another messiah.

Mutard displays the basics of emotions throughout the short work. The need of ourselves to question in what we believe. It also makes a contrast between previous events in history between these two bases of beliefs and makes the reader think about what is currently going on between both. a great example is in the follow article on CNN:Here!


“What is a Pilgrimage?” Walk Towards God. 206 Tours, Inc. 2005-2009. 8 Dec. 2008

Image Citations:

Jerusalem Sunset. [online image] Available, Dec. 8, 2008.

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