Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hey followers, bloggers, and random people who might eventually run across my rants!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Award Crap
Let's start with the rules:
The honorees are to: A) first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep! B) pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
1) Social Acceptance: I am a loner. I enjoy being by myself and doing my own thing, I hate crowds. Unless I'm drunk and in another city then its all good. I think it is because I bore of people easily. I hate drama, I always want to say" honestly just stfu, I don't want to hear your mindless dribble after 5 more minutes of hearing your self-emotional decimation." I personally would rather read a book, write some poems, go to the gym, or play video games. I also love going to the gym when I am by myself so that as I'm running/jogging/walking/wheezing-for-breathes I can belch out the lyrics to the current song I would be listening to. Head Automatic is amazing to scream to as your working out.
2) Renaissance man: I miss being creative. I miss the days of drawing, painting, and writing endless sonnets and books. Showing my artistic skill. Not for others, but for my own hearts contention. Expressing my vivid interpretations and depictions floating around in the cerebral fluidity of my mind. As I grow older and more responsible for my financial well-being I notice the parallel to my creative side; financial success and the decline of creativity.
3) Ambitions: My ambitions are not unpractical. I just want to be a good human being. Write a book, memoir, or a collection of stories and/or poems. Be well off financially in life, so that I will be allowed to take a vacation to any place my mind is wandering. Have enough money so that when I have kids, if anything should ever happen, I would be well off to handle the situations and problems that arise with being a parent.
4) Procrastination: I am never good and starting something on time. I am a procrastinator. I know what I must do, but I would rather wait ‘til the last moment possible. I have noticed this even more, now that I have started school again. The real funny thing though, is that I do 100 times better when I am under the knife. More alert, more creative, more dynamic, and more humbled with the added pressures of the world on my shoulders and the impending time constraints.
5) Travel: The world is a canvas, and I need to see the entirety of the final painting before coming to a conclusion on the Earths beauty. If I had enough money I know I would not be planted in one place. I would sail the sevens seas, run through the ever infinite view of land, and soar above the reaches of oxygen. I yearn for the uninhabitable grain of desert sand, the Mesa’s of salt bedrock, the tropical blissfulness of Caribbean destinations, the festive green eternity that lies in a jungle or forest, the frigid winds of high elevation monstrosities, and the mere thought of being surrounded by a vast valley while the holes of nights sky submerge the skin in emotional warmth. I really crave visions of a place I once called home.
6) Relationships: I would love the company of my counter part. Problem is I do not have one and there are a few reasons for it. I am not very social. Like #1 answer on this “Award”, people just bother me. So most of the time I would rather have a small group of friends that I see, then knowing the whole world and only see them once in a lifetime. I have a hard time opening up. Some things in my life need to stay private. Doors I do not want to open. Another part is I over think things. Especially the fact if I keep working out and lose more and more weight will people like me for who I really am or just the way I look? But then I realize that our outward appearance is a projection upon our inside and how we feel. Our outside is our welcoming to others, who we present our lifestyle and ourselves. Maybe that is why the way you look veers you into alternative destinations in the trials and tribulations of life. The real funny thing is if I think like this then I am really sorry for women.
7) Taurus : I am a Taurus. Not to the T but a Taurus nonetheless. I do exhibit many Taurus-ian tendencies such as: Stubborn, Artistic, Loyal, Overindulgent, Steadfast, Romantic, Affectionate, and Traditional. There are some factors that make me a tad different though. I am a laid back person but I wouldn’t say to the full extent. Also Patient is not a strong suit for myself. And last would be “slow to anger.” I think I’m more Puerto Rican when it comes to my anger cause I’ll fucking cut you, homes.
8) Past: My past is a weird one. I have had different experiences that have dictated who I am. I rarely will openly talk about the past because I hate the emotions that follow with it. Things that are in the past are in the past and they have already happened. Why indulge with past mistakes and situations when the future is just around the corner.
9) Present: I am very content with where I am right now. I am not sad and I am not happy. I feel more robotic then human most of the time. I do not feel like I am contributing much to my society/generation at the moment. Just more or less following a path for my future ambitions, relationships, experiences, and social acceptances while trying to remember the past and creativity I once had; and stopping the procrastination of my Taurus-ian self indulgences and mental thought explosions of analyzing everything.
10) Godly: I have always had self-aggrandizing feelings of Godliness. Maybe it is why I see myself the way I do. Maybe it is why I yearn to have power. I honestly wish the feelings would stop but right now I am glad for them. They are helping me survive and keep my sanity, in a weird sense. I have never been religious and maybe that is why I have these feelings since I cannot place my beliefs in something else I place them within myself.
My 7 people:
Big Bird
And Rowlf the Dog (Rowlf was always cool cause he seemed like an old jazz/blues player.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Mutant Registration Act... wtf?
Sorry random rant that made me think.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Diagnostic essay original and revised.
In life, there is no certainty. We will die as every organism is destined to, age as the years run by, and occasionally fall ill to the infinite sickness or accidents that rule the days of our existence. We as a society, dream that we will become the bearer of powerful abilities, which would set us apart from the rest of the worlds, all ready, most powerful species. Thoughts of flying through the skies, free from the prisons of machinery into the open air with the wind blowing through the follicles of our hair. Teleporting to anywhere we set our minds too, from the Walls of China, the Summit of Everest, or even the ancient city of Manchu Picchu. Possibly, lifting a car above our heads and chucking it into the depths of space, while our feet are planted on the very soil it once stood. For myself, I would choose a simpler ability that would not excite those at first glance who wish to fly, teleport, or have superhuman strength. The ability I would have would be instantaneous cellular regeneration. This ability would supercharge my immunity system to always be at the top of any other species. Adapting and regenerating to anything that would harm me such as a disease or a simple accident. Not having to worry about the consequences and the toll I would put on my body. Yet, with all worries or problems that fleet us, more and new problems arise.
The first day I would have this ability it would possibly be the most interesting day of my life. I would, personally, test the very stints of my limitless ability by pushing the levels of my endorphins and slowly nullifying the pain sensors that shoot through the body. I would slowly see how my ability works by creating bruises, cuts, and even burn marks. Dangerous tests that would leave others disabled or dead would soon follow from falling out of high places to losing appendages and limbs. After all the conclusions have been accounted, I would join the military Special Force such as the U.S. Navy Seals or Army Rangers. Learn all that I can and become the ultimate tactical fighting machine. Life would become a virtual reality simulation, where the idealization of death would be but a long forgotten side note of the mind. Age would have no meaning for my regenerative body could keep my heart, muscles, bones, eyes, and any other system coursing through me on untapped levels of God-like stature. Yet, there is always the other route in life; which is far from the spectrum of war and tactical political growth and control.
The power that is contained in the genetic code of my body could save millions. . My body would be the healing temple for diseases that doctors can only give vaccinations and temporarily relief, which would finally be a distant memory to the suffering of the world. A new society of children with no fear of premature lives or unwanted illnesses, and I would be the father of it. However, the problem with any great power is that those with much more pull will always claim the rights of others as there own.
In our society, my power would never have been known. I would be a myth that was lost in the medical citations of future generations. My identity would be veiled in secrecy with scientists always around me. A lab rat to the corporation; dissected, experimented on, and studied to endless depths. In reality, why would you want one super human, when the biggest force is within numbers and having millions of cost efficient soldiers at your disposal? So, one has to wonder if my new found ability would truly be a gift or a curse.
As the world continuously rotates into unforeseen futures, there will always be humans with extraordinary talents that could be emphasized as special abilities. Knowing what I know about the outcomes and paths of my special ability, I would still choose the same. Maybe with this one power I could help those around me while still living a peaceful life. Yet, since I know how our society is, I would still have to play the game of life as secretly as possible. No animal should be caged. Freedom is a natural birth right, yet it is twisted for the betterment of society.
Revised Paper:
Power of Dreams

In life, there is no certainty. We will die as every organism is destined to, age as the years run by, and occasionally fall ill to the infinite sickness or accidents that rule the days of our existence. We as a society, dream that we will become the bearer of powerful abilities, which would set us apart from the rest of the worlds, all ready, most powerful species. Thoughts of flying through the skies, free from the prisons of machinery into the open air with the wind blowing through the follicles of our hair. Teleporting to anywhere we set our minds too, from the Walls of China, the Summit of Everest, or even the ancient city of Manchu Picchu. Possibly, lifting a car above our heads and chucking it into the depths of space, while our feet are planted on the very soil it once stood. For myself, I would choose a simpler ability that would not excite those at first glance who wishes to fly, teleport, or have superhuman strength. The ability I would have would be instantaneous cellular regeneration. This ability would supercharge my immunity system to always be at the top of any other species, adapting and regenerating to anything that would harm me such as a disease or a simple accident. Not having to worry about the consequences and the toll I would put on my body. The power I could posses would make me unbounded by the constraints of the normal mind frame and physical prowess and make me the next link in human evolution. Yet, the real question is how would I use my power? Shall I use it for good and righteousness or a fall from grace and be evil… for I would be a god, neither which path I choose.
I have come to the realization that I am a monster. A beast trapped in the very captivity of my body. They say that good is the act of God while the path of evil is the lust and misguidance of Lucifer. I was but a man, whom just became a man, when I received this ‘gift,’ but now I have become something more. Maybe this is where the myths of Rome and Greece came from. Maybe our predecessors of time had abilities also but instead of not knowing what they had, they saw themselves as gods. How did I come to this point in my life? No love, no hope, no feeling, just a brain withered and spread to thinly. My heart beckons for acceptance but my brain shuts out its voice. My heart craves the desire for a tunnel of light, eternal sleep to whatever is left at the end of my life, and the sweet embrace of Michael, Samuel, Azreal, Malak Almawt, or any other name to which he is referred to as. My brain is a Darwin-istic power that believes in ‘survival of the fittest’, and does not want to die.
I remember bits and parts of the day I received my ability, it has been so long since I have had a chance to reflect. The past few years have been a whirlwind with memories starting to fade, childhood seems so far away. Maybe the reason I’m starting to become disarrayed and disconnected is because I’m losing the memories and lessons of my parents. Yet, that is beyond the point. Why must I be different…? The day I received my ‘gift’ has to be the beginning of my fall… I do not know how I received my power… maybe I have always had it, yet it was just dormant inside of me. I became arrogant, cocky, and reacted to fast to situations instead of thinking. I did not feel like a god, I was one. I started out by testing the very stints of my limitless ability. Pushing the levels of my endorphins and slowly nullifying the pain sensors that shoot through my body. I slowly saw how my ability works by creating bruises, cuts, and even burn marks. Dangerous tests that would leave others disabled or dead followed. I became the ultimate weapon for tactical warfare and in my mind I was a ‘god’. Enlisting in special operations for the U.S. Navy I was able to sharpen my skills. Missions like assignations, reconnaissance, and sabotage. I didn’t care what I was doing at the moments, it was just my job and I was good at it. After a few years of government work, and waking to the faces of the people I killed, I decided I wanted to do something different with my life. My days of bloodshed were over, so I disappeared. Leaving my former life, my family, and everything I knew. A fresh start is what I needed.
I fled to the northern shore of Venezuela and lived on the beach in a small one-bedroom bungalow, finally at peace. Staring into the ocean and free from my ability. Not needing the thoughts of being godly anymore I was free. I was humbled. And I had met a woman I feel in love with. Her name was Zaria. She had the most amazing green eyes, off shadowed by velvet black hair. Yet, I was found. She was not who she said she was. Then the prosecution came, under false allegations of treason, since the American government has a problem with Venezuela’s current president and need an excuse to lock me away forever. Brought back to the U.S. I was placed in a medical center to be broken down and have my ability duplicated. Everyday was a regiment of needles, probing, samples, diseases, and ‘aggressive’ experiments. All the acts were under the supervision of Zaria and she used me for my ability. She was a neuroscientist, who needed my ability to cure her ailing sister. I do not remember her real name. Yet, I continued calling her Zaria. I wanted to hurt her and make her remember the emotional pain she inflicted upon me! Besides the times I saw Zaria, I blocked out most of the time between surgical tables, gauntlet rooms of onslaught, and my six by five foot cell of solitude and mind deprivation numbered 24. The only comfort I had was with the person next to my cell. His name was Brayn. He was an amazing thinker from Russia, who was a spy for his ‘comrade’ nation. He would tell stories that made me feel like he and I were the same person just separated by continents. He told me of his ill actions, and how he only did what he needed to do to survive.
As the days faded away and my circadian rhythms were on a 25-hour clock, I lost time of what day and month it was. Today was different though. Zaria had a different look in her eyes. And even though she betrayed me I still deeply cared for her. Zaria, with two orderlies, came into my cell to retrieve me for more testing on the day I escaped. As I was being walked down the corridor chaos erupted. A fireball had erupted somewhere in the Facility. I was instantly knocked out.
I awoke half naked on a small island off of the coast of Brazil. But I was different, back to my old ways of the hunger of Godly worship. I needed to regain myself and find revenge. I wondered the beach until I found a group of people. They soon accepted me as one of their own. And as time grew, I started to meet the factions of guerrilla warfare in the South American countries. And as time progressed I soon became the local’s god. They saw what I could do. And amazed by my ability they raised me into power.
After years of conflict with CIA operatives, assignation attempts, and countless other economical problems, I started to lose the very people who helped me. Everyone eventually died and there was nothing left to fight for, the new generation that came in kept becoming more vicious, more aggressive and more outrageous in acts of violence. So, after 20 years of living like this it was time to leave. I fled early one night. Charting a boat from Brazil to Mexico. And traveled to the center of Mexico City. I bought an apartment loft in the city in Moras, Mexico City, Mexico. And spent the following years they’re being left alone. Away from the world and its insidious nature.
I am but all alone and out of the blue I receive a call. I pick up the phone, and on the other end is Brayn, my old friend who I thought was dead so many years ago. He tells me that he is at a hotel in room 124 down in the heart of Mexico City at a hotel called Casa Vieja. So I decide to grab my jacket and head out. When I reached the hotel I headed to his room. Knocked once, no answer. Knocked twice, no answer. I turned the handle and oddly enough it was open. I walked in and checked the rooms; I searched the area for any sign of him. And I saw a flicker in the bedroom. I opened the door. And in front of me their was a mirror. And in the mirror was me… and the reflection spoke to me and said:
???: Hi, I am Brayn.
Me: What is this!? What trick is this? (with a quiver in my voice)
Brayn: This is no trick. Just you, looking in the mirror of who you really are.
Me: I do not understand…
Brayn: I am you, well your brain, hence my name Brayn. A pun on the word brain.
Me: Why do u look so different from me though? Why are you me, yet dirty, long haired and a father-time beard in a medical gown?
Brayn: Because I am the real appearance of you. You never left “The
Me: So everything until the time I was captured is a lie? My escape?
My endless wandering? My new life?
Brayn: You became crazy and your only outlet was I. When you were
free all you did was rush into action, without thinking. Now I am
in control. And your soul is lost. In here you are not a god, you are
just a slave to your brains deceptions… me!
In our society, my power would never have been known. I would be a myth that was lost in the medical citations of future generations. My identity would be veiled in secrecy with scientists always around me. A lab rat to the corporation; dissected, experimented on, and studied to endless depths. In reality, why would you want one super human, when the biggest force is within numbers and having millions of cost efficient soldiers at your disposal? So, one has to wonder if any new found ability would truly be a gift or a curse.
As the world continuously rotates into unforeseen futures, there will always be humans with extraordinary talents that could be emphasized as special abilities. Knowing what I know about the outcomes and paths of the special ability I choose, I would still choose the same. Maybe with this one power I could help those around me while still living a peaceful life. Yet, since I know how our society is, I would still have to play the game of life as secretly as possible. No animal should be caged. Freedom is a natural birth right, yet it is twisted for the betterment of society.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A Summary and Evaluation of What I Learned in Eng 111
Dec. 2008… The semester has ended and a new year starts in a matter of weeks. My first semester of college, being over is but days away, and I have learned a few things about myself. It has been years since I have been I have learned that I can survive off of two hours of sleep a night for days; I also found out that I am sleep deprived. I write papers better when I have but minutes and hours left at the latest most designated times. And all I need to do is a presentation is a basic outline and a general knowledge to bullshit for countless hours. I have also realized that this is going to be the next four to five years of my life depending on ho long I plan to stay in school.
In the English class: College Writing Composition, I have retained important skills that will help me with building my own papers, blogs, essays, poetry, and even the fanatical rant my mind constantly runs towards. I have always had a passion to write down my views, my feelings, and the random thoughts popping up in the cosmic fluidity of my brain. Yet, from taking the English 111 course I have learned how to hone my skills.
Knowing what I have learned about Logos, Ethos, and Pathos is allows me to not only to evaluate a piece of literature or media that is delivering information but also guide my own creations and convey the point I am trying to make. Thanks to Aristotle and his Rhetorical Analysis Triangle, he created the basic building block of critical thinking literature when it comes to the usage of persuasion. It now fuels everything in our media and when used it diagnoses the break up, through these three points, of articles, books, movies, songs, poetry, documentaries, or any other form of expression.
Logos is the appeal to logic and reason. Used to appeal to the thought process guiding the reader to think they are making their own interpretation when actually it is the author’s thoughts.
Pathos is the appeal to the emotional side of all readers. Used by writers and authors to convey feelings within the reader to either create emotions of happiness, sadness, pity, acceptance, understanding, or even anger. Pathos is the most crucial point to the rhetorical analysis triangle because mankind is run by their emotions.
Ethos is based on the author, based on his/her credibility and usage of words to relay to his audience. Citing different answers from people he or she interviews, statistics the author uses, the sources they research, and even through their own personal experiences. Other factors that might come into play are things like his education, race, and even religious background.
Another great use of persuasion is the incorporation of pictures. We are, after all, visual beings who need self indulging visions. Pictures are images that depict 1000 words, even within the simplest form.
I have also learned many other things from English 111 that I learned like the different forms of papers. Papers like synthesis papers, rhetorical analysis, diagnostic essays, and research papers. It also allowed me to sharpen my power point capabilities.
What I learned Mr. Paul Gasparo was to question everything. Every form of expression to see why the person preaches and believes in what they believe. Who gains from the articles and what is the true meaning behind the authors or writers point. With all the info Mrs. Gasparo has given me I will definitely use what I have learned in future reading and my own writing. I have actually used the skills I have learned in English towards other classes I am studying this semester.
“Robots that Hunt in Packs” by John Brandon, Conclusion and personal view upon the article.
And so it begins…As Hollywood has depicted for years, and ancestors wondered about robotic beings taking over the world or ‘invading’, it is finally coming true. The first steps to Artificial Intelligence are underway. The article posted on shows the future of our military.
Imagine a day when wars will be fought through computer-operated machines. Well, from military and scientific robotic news, that future is just around the corner. With robots becoming ever more complicated, performing multitask programming like dancing, walking, and talking; the future is vamped on the idea of no human casualties of war. The Department of Defense is in search of robots with wolf like tendencies. Able to work as a team to cooperate with each other in tactical situations such as reconnaissance, fire fighting, search and rescue, and automated sensory of biological, radiation, and/or chemical sensing.
The real keyword that needs to be observed is the use of fire fighting. Traditionally fire-fighting meant fighting off the blazes of a forest fire, a residential/commercial accident, or incidents of arson. Yet, in a military term, fire fighting means the exchange of warfare during battle between to sides. As our society craves more and more of the self-involvement of work when shall we design our robotic counter-parts to do the jobs we do not want to do?
The article also gives wind, during the last statement, of human involvement. Quoted as:
In the past, military officials have noted that robots would likely not be used to replace soldiers on the battlefield because of the ethical dilemmas involved. (Brandon)
But what are these ‘ethical dilemmas’? The ethical dilemmas are vast and reported upon by the U.S. Army War College. In a report known as A Theoretical, Legal and Ethical Impact of Robots on Warfare, the writer Colonel Thomas H. Cowan, Jr., of the United States Army, and project adviser Mr. William O. Waddell. Show the possibility of machines in combat, societies views, ethical assumptions, historical arguments, and the argument for military advancement. To further go into detail is the following link to the report: Here!(Link works, open in a new tab and refresh until it pops up.)
Another link that deserves recognition to John Brandon’s Article is: Here!
So the real question is not weather we should incorporate robots into military affairs, because eventually a human life is always more important then a hunch of metal, well from an ethical view point, not a governmental spending spread sheet. But how much human interaction will we need upon these machines and how much limitation will these machines need?
Personal thought:
Fuck it, lets get the war started and hopefully it will bring the humans together as one, instead of factions split up by race and religion. Kill of the fat-cats who sit high upon their thrones of power in Washington. Best quote ever:
Every official that comes in
Cripples us leaves us maimed
Silent and tamed
And with our flesh and bones
He builds his homes
(De La Rocha)
Brandon, John. “Robots that Hunt in Packs.” Popular Science. Nov. 5th 2008.
Bonnier Corporation Company Dec. 8.2008
De La Rocha, Zack. "War within a Breathe" Lyrics. The Battle of Los Angeles Sony BMG Music Entertainment. 1999.
Image Citation:
Terminator. [Online Image] Dec. 8 2008.
“Billboard promoting atheism will be removed” by David Olson, Response to the Article
On November 20th, 2008, a writer named David Olson wrote an article on a topic involving Atheism, with hidden messages between the lines of text. His article, a rhetorical argument essay called “Billboard promoting atheism will be removed”, posted by, shows the battle of two different values/beliefs in modern American world. The American culture is a society that is mostly comprised of religious views such as Christianity, yet in this article it shows both sides of Christianity and one of the small untold truths behind freedom of speech, our 1st Amendment right.
After a few days of having complaints sent into an Ontario based billboard company, the beneficiaries decided to remove the pro-Atheist message that was paid for by the Freedom for Religion Group. The group claims that they were being censored by the company for not being able to display what they posted on the billboard, which paid upfront and had the ad run for about a week before being pulled. It was initially meant to be displayed until January. The company went so far as reimbursing the groups fee.
The real problem that lies under the surface is that, taking down the sign is closing down someone else’s belief, saying that it is sick to believe in no god and disheartening to the masses. Yet, this is a violation of the 1st Amendment. In the United States of America there is a freedom of press and a freedom of religion the freedom of our ‘god given right’ speech. Yet, is it truly free if the masses disagree with ones view? It is amazingly contradictory, for a religious group to use the 1st Amendment to support their views, yet on the other hand say the first amendment does not apply because is does not support my religious view. One supporter for the removal, Judy Rooze, was quoted as saying, “I understand people have the freedom of speech, yet this is taking it too far… it’s very jarring.” I guess in our country it is okay for the masses to deem something inappropriate when their views are protected, but for the minorities their religious beliefs or that their of, are to be censored and covered up.
What is the difference between both? Your religious Affiliation
Image Citation:
Imagine No Religion. [Online Image] Available Dec 8 2008.
-God [Online Image] Available
Dec 8 2008.